The Main Goals of 2021 : Develop Accountability to Yourself [MASCULINE MINDSET]

There are but two persons who will never fail you. God and yourself. Whatever may come you will always stay true to your nature. Be it when you do bad or good deeds, you can only act in the way your nature dictates. The goal is to develop your self-control, discipline and virtue to the point where you can really on yourself that you will always act in the way which is most beneficial to yourself.

Be Your Own Biggest Fan | A Working Man’s Motivation

They are times on life when motivation simply flees from us. When we feel so unmotivated and stuck in our current position that the simple act of going forward in our lives seems completely impossible to do. Often this is the result of being stuck on a problem or a difficult situation in our work … Continue reading Be Your Own Biggest Fan | A Working Man’s Motivation