I Myself Am Enough | The Mindset for Developing a Masculine Frame

The masculine frame is essentially the mindset a man needs to have in order to cultivate his inner spirit and self confidence. The frame you hold as a men determines to a great degree how you will live your life. You as a man project your frame onto every situation you happen to find yourself in, and through it you influence the people you communicate with. Having a weak frame leads too self doubt, poor communications skills, poor love-life, and being generally perceived as a weak and incompetent man. I wrote more about the importance of masculine frame and how to develop one in an article which you can read at this link. Today I wish to share with you another important piece of the masculine lifestyle puzzle, which represents another way towards developing and strengthening your masculine frame.

One of my core believes is that your mindset is manifested in the way you live your life. In other words, your thoughts, emotions and beliefs shape the world around you through your actions. In order to live a better life and to fulfill your full potential, you need to take the right actions towards achieving your goals, pretty much anyone can agree with this statement. The problem comes from within yourself, in order to take the right actions you must first come to the realization what actions are the right ones. Simply taking action will lead to a chaotic and meaningless life, you must contemplate your actions. This is why a mindset is such an important things for a man to develop, a good mindset is half of the work.

masculine frame mindset

The mindset that I will discuss here today, and which I think every man who wants to develop into a better version of himself needs to adopt and internalize, is the mindset of “I myself am enough. In today’s world, men in the western cultures have been deprived of their masculine right to power. Men today are weak and powerless in comparison to their great ancestors. Not only in the way of muscle and appearance, but also in mental strength and confidence. We modern men are indoctrinated since birth into a society which does not nurturer our full masculine potential, and thus by the age of maturity most modern men become impotent, not only in the sexual way (which is also a lot more prevalent), but also in the way of their spirit and will for power and progress. We become the antithesis of the masculine ideal: weak, inert and lifeless. Easy satisfied with our simple vices and too drugged by the comfort of modern society that all movement seems meaningless to us.

One of the main ways that the modern world demotivates man from a young age is through relentless attacks on their own confidence. Making man feel dependent on the opinions of other people, especially women, and making them limits and self-censor themselves in order to appease the sensibilities of other people, making them harmless and unconfident from a very young age. This all starts from the home, where a lot of today’s men grew up in single mother households, where the masculine energy was suppressed and even punished by the mother, without a man to represent to the boy a role model, he gets imprinted by feminine nature. The same goes on in most schools and educational facilities up until university, and later in the workplace. The modern man needs to rebel against this in order to cultivate his true natural and masculine self. The way that this rebellion begins is by adopting the “I myself am enough”-mindset.

men confidence

This mindset is a simple belief, yet so rarely seen in modern men. It’s essence is that in any situation, you are enough to overcome your troubles and develop inner satisfaction without the need of outside approval from anyone or anything.

The girl you were with ghosted on you? – You are enough, you don’t need her.

You lost your job? – You are capable enough to get a better one, you don’t need it?

You got a little chubby during the winter months? – You are enough to get yourself back into shape, no need to pay attention to disparaging comments.

Your friends don’t want to go out with out tonight? – You are enough to go by yourself to the bar.

And so on.

Being Independent of outside stimuli requires from the man to develop self confidence and self reliance.You as a man need to be reliant enough and confident enough on your own abilities and judgments that no other force can remove your from you masculine frame. By being enough to yourself and thinking about everyone outside of yourself as an extra to your life rather than as an essential component of it, you will find it easier to let go of people who are keep you down, and to move to a greener pasture, all while you’re developing your mindset, your masculine frame, and your self confidence.

The masculine frame which a man needs to form in order to get his way in life is made through hours of grinding out the process of developing your mindset. “Ask yourself, does me thinking the way that I do lead to me becoming the person who I want to become?”, most of the people reading this will not answer this question truthfully, partly because they don’t want to realize how mislead and brainwashed they’ve become thorough living in the modern world, and partly because they don’t yet realize that breaking free from the things keeping you down starts with a simple decision to adopt another way of seeing things. Remember brothers, whatever comes your way, you yourself are enough. Do not stray from the right way.

For more resources on developing this mindset check out the following link:

2 thoughts on “I Myself Am Enough | The Mindset for Developing a Masculine Frame

  1. Pingback: It’s Fucking Simple | A Mindset for Overcoming Doubt | The Wolf with a Keyboard

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